In my previous post, I shared three best practices for preparing for a potential employee termination. Here are two additional steps to consider in the termination process:
1. Prepare for possible exit interview scenarios.
Terminations are never easy and often become very personal. In most situations, the key is to conduct the termination meeting as respectfully as possible. In order to do so, it is advisable to have a plan addressing the following points:
a. Who will be at the meeting? Whenever possible, have two company representatives present, even if one is simply there to take notes. Consider security outside the room in those situations where the employee may become volatile.
b. What security measures will be taken while the employee is in the termination meeting? Consider placing limitations on or completely shutting off access to company e-mail, company credit cards and company computer systems. If the termination will not occur until a few weeks later, or transition is required from the employee, then completely shutting off access may not be the best course. Limiting access to certain areas of the computer systems may be appropriate.
c. What will be said? Have a very short introduction, convey the … Keep reading